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  MEmBERSHIP - Join Us

Membership is open to everyone, so why not join us?  Members receive a quarterly newsletter and the annual journal Strands and have access to resources in the members’ area of the website. 

Membership is renewable annually on 1st November irrespective of when you joined the Society.   New members receive a welcome pack, which includes the latest issue of Strands.   They will also receive the issue of Strands published at the end of the membership year.

Full members (Individual or Group/Family members) can participate in a range of activities alongside others who share their braiding interests such as:

  • The annual Swap: a sample exchange centred on a theme.  This is an excellent way to 'think outside the box', see what others are doing and share your own work.    
  • Exhibitions: the Society's annual Travelling Exhibition (which is themed and tours shows and venues around the UK) and/or the Biennial Exhibition of members' work
  • Try Braiding Days: gatherings where you can progress your own braiding project, seek advice from others, or learn a new technique (minimal charge for Society members)
  • Annual General Meeting: an opportunity to influence the Society’s direction, meet with other members and enjoy learning from guest speakers.

Long-Haul membership is available to residents of Asia, the Americas, Africa, Australia and New Zealand.   Long-haul members are mailed a hard copy of Strands, all other communication is by email.   They have no voting rights and pay non-member entry fees to Society events.  Long-haul membership does not include participation in the swap or exhibitions.   An upgrade to Full membership can be made at any time.

Gift Membership is available.  If you would like to give someone Braid Society Membership as a gift, please contact the Membership Secretary ( and we can arrange a card to be sent in addition to the creation of membership details either online or via the applciation form

Group/Family Membership conditions

There is to be a single contact email and postal address for all correspondence, including applications for taking part in Braid Society events.
  • A group receives one copy of Strands, reproduction of which is not allowed. Further copies can be purchased for £5 each plus postage and packing.
  • The group will also receive one e-mailed copy of the Newsletter with permission to copy.
  • The group will have one vote at the AGM from an identified nominated person attending the AGM. The vote can instead be cast by e-mail.
  • For exhibitions and the annual travelling show, there is a limit of 3 entries from a group. Likewise there is a maximum of 3 entries for the swap.
  • There will be unlimited access at members’ rate to Come and Try Days and similar local meetings. Those attending should say which group they are from, but no formal identification will be required.
  • One nominated person may participate in a Conference or weekend event, including at Westhope, at the members’ rate. Subject to the availability of places, others are most welcome at the non-member rate.

Applying for membership

You can apply online and pay by PayPal using the links below.  If you'd prefer to pay by bank transfer rather than PayPal, please contact the Membership Secretary ( and we will gladly supply the relevant bank details.  Alternatively you can download and complete themembership_application_form_2024-25 by hand and forward payment (by cheque) to the Braid Society Treasurer using the contact details on the form.

Under new European legislation, the Braid Society has updated its privacy policy and complies with GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations).   Please see details here Privacy_Policy_October

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Braid Society Ltd, registered in England and Wales (number 8689716)     Registered Office: 21 Coton Crescent, Coton Hill, Shrewsbury, SY1 2NZ, UK

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