I hope you are thinking about items for our exhibition.
The Travelling Exhibition subject for 2015 is 'Spring is Sprung'. Some of you might like to make something for the Biennial Exhibition that could then go on to the Travelling Exhibition. There is no requirement to do this, the Biennial Exhibition has no particular theme and, as far as possible, all items submitted will be displayed.
The exhibition will be housed in glass cabinets as they were in Manchester. The maximum height of any exhibit is 30 cm, a better height would be 15 cm because there are a limited number of shelves that can accommodate 30 cm. Since the exhibition will not have stewards, it is intended that the exhibits will be inside the glass cabinets. Although there is wall space, attaching items is not easy and they may fall off.
As always, we are anticipating a wonderful selection of items so get busy and get braiding.